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Thank you for trusting EMILIV Professionals with your salon's stock. We take great pride in offering superior products that are both cost-effective and provide a luxury experience for your clientele.
We hope you enjoy your sample pack as much as we do! We look forward to seeing you again.
Don’t Miss Out On A Proven Way to Generate MORE Sales for Your Salon or Haircare Business!
While free samples of PROTOXTEN, PROKERATON, PROCLEANSING, PROHOMETEN HOME CARE KIT, and the 6+1 EMERGENCY POLYMEDIC RECONSTRUCTOR are a great way to try out the products, purchasing the full-size versions of these products can provide even better results.
Our past results and rave reviews suggest that these products are highly effective and can help to improve the health and appearance of your client’s hair!
In addition, purchasing full-size versions of these products can provide a high return on investment. For every $500 in products you purchase, you can generate $20,000 in sales… Are your current products providing that level of ROI? If not, then it’s time to make a life-changing decision.
You can expect 80 applications per 16.9oz. At $250 per treatment, once the bottle is emptied, you will have generated $20,000!
Furthermore, these products virtually sell themselves. With their high-quality ingredients and proven effectiveness, they are sure to be a hit with your clients. By offering these products to your clients, you can give them the care and quality they deserve, which can help to build trust and loyalty in your business.
You get to test these products risk-free and see the results firsthand! Once you witness the amazing restorative and rejuvenating power of Emiliv, you won’t want to offer your clients (or work with) any other products out there.
This truly is a product you can feel good about offering and take pride in using.
But Wait! There’s More!
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, purchasing the full-size versions of PROTOXTEN, PROKERATON, PROCLEANSING, PROHOMETEN HOME CARE KIT, and the EMERGENCY POLYMEDIC RECONSTRUCTOR can provide even more benefits for your business.
First, by offering these high-quality skincare products to your clients, you can differentiate your business from competitors and stand out in a crowded marketplace. With their unique formulations and proven effectiveness, these products can help to set your business apart and attract new clients.
Second, offering these products can help to build trust and loyalty with your existing clients. When your clients see the positive results of using these products, they will likely continue using them and recommend them to others. This can help to build long-term relationships with your clients and support the success of your business.
Third, purchasing full-size versions of these products can save you time and effort in the long run. By purchasing the full-size versions, you can have a ready supply of these products to offer your clients. This can save you time and make it easier to provide high-quality skincare services.
So, what are you waiting for? Purchase the full-size versions of PROTOXTEN, PROKERATON, PROCLEANSING, PROHOMETEN HOME CARE KIT, and the 6+1 EMERGENCY POLYMEDIC RECONSTRUCTOR today to start providing so many more benefits for your clientele.
These highly effective products can help differentiate your business from competitors, build trust and loyalty with clients, and save you time and effort.

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