How to Treat Dry Hair

Written by Colina Atos


Posted on June 03 2022

You'll need to make some alterations to your usual hair care regimen if you have dry hair.
Make sure to use shampoos and conditioners that are hydrating.
Shampoos and conditioners containing natural oils, such as olive and argan oil, glycerin, sorbitol, and shea butter, are best.. Keratin-based shampoos and conditioners, as well as phytobalm and other plant-based moisturizers, are great for keeping hair hydrated.
It is best to wash your hair less frequently.
Begin progressively decreasing the number of times you wash your hair. For the first month, shampoo your hair every other day. Wash every three days for a month, then once a week. After two to three months, you should see a notable change in the texture of your hair.
A quarter-sized amount of shampoo is all you need.
Using too much shampoo might cause your scalp and hair to become even more dehydrated. When shampooing, pay particular attention to the roots of your hair that are closest to your scalp.
Keep your hair moisturized on a daily basis by using a conditioner.
Apply conditioner to the centre of your hair and the ends. Rinse thoroughly after five to ten minutes with conditioner.